Welcome to Tate's Portfolio

This website will show off HTML and CSS used together to create a stunning website. It will also show a few features of multimedia and the process I used to create the examples shown throughout the pages. This website will also comment on the social and ethical issues of website creation and management, mentioning intellectual property, accessibility / equity, and privacy.
All of the images include <alt> tags which (if you aren't blind) you can read in Chrome by pressing f12 and inspecting the image HTML.

An animated GIF of a red ball falling from a hole in the top left of the ceiling, falling through anothe hole on the right to then start again, creating a illusion like a portal as the ball goes through one and comes out the other.

Below is a list of the different pages that can be found on the website each with a description, indluding one that can't be found on the navbar pane.